Note: This page is still being worked on but i decided to publish it for now so these are just some of my pets.
This is a whole list of my pets from my perpetual collection of pets. I have so many, i'm gonna have to start keeping some of them in another house. Thx to the Friendly Necromancer's Webpage, I've found out how and where to get a lot of these. One thing you will see is a lot of duplicates of pets, just a thing that happens when one collects lots of pets. Some of them are hatching failures like my many wraiths. There are also some pets with rather weird, random, and unfitting names. Those were just randomly named by Wizard101.
Name: Shadow
Pet Species: Summer Dragon
Pet Stage: Baby
This was my first pet, my Summer Dragon, Shadow.
Name: Lord Midnight
Pet Species: Wraith
Pet Stage: Ancient
I got Lord Midnight when i got my scarecrow spell, which was one of my favorite memories in the spiral.
Name: Duncan
Pet Species: Sea Dragon
Pet Stage: Ancient
Duncan is one of my favorite pets. Why? Cause the talents it gives are beast!!!
Name: Madame Abbey
Pet Species: Bolt Colossus
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: King Moose
Pet Species: Silverback Wildclaw
Pet Stage: Baby
I got this pet after beating the Ravens with my ice alt, Ethan Winterbreaker.
Name: Tiger
Pet Species: Fierce Hound
Pet Stage: Ancient
I am glad i got this pet with my Epic Bundle. Tiger is a great pet for the pet derby. It's cause of him i'm a pet Commander.
Name: Sir Mandy
Pet Species: Shock Colossus
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: King Muffin
Pet Species: Black Spider
Pet Stage: Baby
Name:Princess Morgan
Pet Species: Blue Cyclops
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Lord Sassy
Pet Species: Life Troll
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Charlie
Pet Species: Goat Monk
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Luna
Pet Species: Ianthine Spectre
Pet Stage: Baby
One of my favorite pets. For some, it is a rare and hard-to-get pet, which is one reason i love rare pets such as this.
Name: Luna
Pet Species: Ice Salamander
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Madame Rudy
Pet Species: Jellyfish
Pet Stage: Baby
My first Celestian pet. I found this pet to be both funny and cute. I like the little freckles it has on its face.
Name: Mister Annie
Pet Species: Ice Colossus
Pet Stage: Adult
I dont know why, but somehow, my fire and ice alt both got 2 extra duplicates of their level 48 pet. I found it weird that they were at the adult stage and didnt know what to do but send them to my main wizard to add to my perpetual pet collection.
Name: Madame Cocoa
Pet Species: Life Scarab
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Tigra
Pet Species: Minotaur
Pet Stage: Teen
I got this while pets were still sold at the bazaar, it was literally a mad rush to buy these pets
Name: Ruby
Pet Species: Helephant
Pet Stage: Adult
This used to belong to my fire alt, Stephen Fireblade. But as you can see in the pic, the talents it was getting were useless so i sent had it sent over to my main wizard.
Name: Smokey
Pet Species: Magma Spider
Pet Stage: Adult
Name: Tucker
Pet Species: Heckhound
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Sir Maximus
Pet Species: Starfish
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Duke Harley
Pet Species: Scarecrow
Pet Stage: Epic
Duke Harley is probably my currently most used pet and one of my only pets at the epic stage. I was glad to have gotten it when i recieved it after reaching Nordrilund in Wintertusk. Duke Harley is a good pet, it's just that i wished the epic abilities it had were talents intead of Derby skills.
Name: Samson
Pet Species: Blue Cyclops
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Lord Bo
Pet Species: Skeletal Warrior
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Fluffy
Pet Species: Frozen Cat
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Mister Cali
Pet Species: Mustard Troll
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Mister Max
Pet Species: Skeletal Warrior
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Sir Pepper
Pet Species: Storm Serpent
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Mocha
Pet Species: Nice Dragon
Pet Stage: Teen
Name: Lady Vaden
Pet Species: Skeletal Warrior
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Baby Sadie
Pet Species: Queen Spider
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Boots
Pet Species: Firecat
Pet Stage: Baby

Name: Blue
Pet Species: Ninja Pig
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Baby Otis
Pet Species: Storm Cat
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Sparky
Pet Species: Brass Golem
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Buster
Pet Species: Krokomummy
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Smokey
Pet Species: Fire Serpent
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: King Rocky
Pet Species: Darkwalker
Pet Stage: Baby
I was hoping to get a Frostlord, but when i hatched my Wraith with a friend's Colossus, i somehow ended up with this.
Name: Isabella
Pet Species: Dark Sprite
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Kobe
Pet Species: Cat Thug
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Boomer
Pet Species: Imp
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Madame Isabella
Pet Species: Tempest
Pet Stage: Adult
Tempest is one of my favorite pets, cause they just look beast. When i started training Madame Isabella though, the talents she was giving wasn't what i was hoping for.
Name: Xena
Pet Species: Blue Ghost
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Toby
Pet Species: Black Cat
Pet Stage: Teen
I remember getting Toby on Halloween 2009. He was and still is a pretty cool pet.
Name: Coco
Pet Species: Arctic Serpent
Pet Stage: Baby
Name: Prince Lily
Pet Species: Polar Cat
Pet Stage: Baby
I dont really use my Polar Cat, only when i am starting a new wizard. I used it for my myth alt, Valdus Titanblood, till he got his Orthrus pet. While he still had it, it was pretty handy cause of the Dragonblade card it gave.